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Glossary overview


Armin Gögele, last updated on August 30, 2023


Targeting is a part of online marketing and its objective is to address a specific audience as precisely as possible. In order to minimize scatter loss and increase conversions, targeting requires a precise analysis as well as an accurate definition of the target audience.


Different techniques can be used to achieve the best possible results. The most simple form of targeting is contextual targeting, where ad placements are selected based on a website’s content. For example, when ads for kitchen utensils are displayed on a website about cooking.


Keyword targeting is another strategy. Keywords are defined in advance and when users enter these keywords, the corresponding ads are displayed. Behavioral targeting is the newest form of targeting, and it is used to deliver ads based on the user’s behavior. For this purpose, user profiles are created with anonymously collected data and assigned to specific customer groups.

Advantages of targeting in hotel marketing:

  • Efficiency: targeted ads reach exactly those who are most likely to be interested in the offers.
  • Reduced wastage: Unnecessary costs are avoided as ads are only delivered to relevant users.
  • Higher conversion rates: Tailored targeting increases the likelihood that users will respond to ads.
  • Improved guest experience: Targeted ads provide relevant content that captures users' interest.

Frequently asked questions about targeting in hotel marketing:

Why is targeting important in hotel marketing?

Targeting makes it possible to use limited resources effectively. By targeting those users who have an interest in the services they offer, hotels can tailor their advertising messages to relevant target groups. This leads to a higher likelihood that potential guests will respond to the ads and ultimately make bookings. By minimizing wastage and increasing conversion rates, targeting improves the overall performance of marketing campaigns and helps increase revenue and bookings.

What are the different types of targeting?

There are different types of targeting in online marketing, including content targeting, search or keyword targeting, and personalized targeting. Content targeting places ads on thematically appropriate websites, while search or keyword targeting addresses users' search queries. Personalized targeting uses user profiles to deliver tailored advertising messages to specific target groups.

How can personalized targeting be used in hotel marketing?

Hotels can use personalized targeting to customize ads based on users' previous interactions with their website or app and present them with tailored offers.

What are the benefits of personalized targeting in hotel marketing?

Personalized targeting is based on user profiles and enables hotels to deliver tailored advertising messages to different customer segments. This improves the chances of addressing guests with individually relevant offers.

What data is used for targeted hotel marketing?

Hotels can use data such as demographic information, behavioral data, geographic locations, and search queries to define their audiences and adjust targeting strategies.