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Glossary overview

Email Marketing Hotel

Armin Gögele, last updated on June 28, 2024 

Leverage existing guest data in the hospitality industry

Every existing hotel has a lot of unused data in its CRM due to previous bookings. Using this data has a great influence on the success of email marketing in the hotel industry. For example, personalized newsletters can be used not only to inspire new guests to book a room, but also to convince (regular) guests who are already familiar with the hotel to book again. Email marketing addresses that are personalized to target audiences evoke emotions in the potential guest, which can create a desire for the vacation experience offered.

Newsletter campaigns to increase hotel occupancy

Many hotels are usually well occupied, if not fully booked, during the peak season. Therefore, during the industry's off-season, hotels are looking for marketing methods to keep occupancy balanced and sustainable. One example is hotel email marketing, which can be used to promote the hotel in newsletters throughout the year.

For example, a ski hotel in the Alps can attract guests in the summer as the area is perfect for hiking or relaxing days with the family. If the hotelier regularly communicates with the target audience through email marketing for hotels, it will build loyalty and increase the likelihood that they will book when promotions are offered through the newsletter.

The most important questions about Hotel Email Marketing

What is email marketing hotel?

Email marketing is a form of online marketing using personalized newsletters. An important advantage is that you can send commercial and personalized emails to a larger group of people. However, according to the GDPR, it is a prerequisite that these people have agreed to receive commercial emails.

How does email marketing for hotels work?

An important part of email marketing is segmenting groups of people. The emails are then tailored to the target group. This avoids potential wastage and significantly increases the conversion rate.

What are the benefits of email marketing for hotels?

Email marketing is an important tool in the hotel industry because it is used specifically to build guest loyalty. With the help of targeted e-mail marketing, hotel guests who have already made a booking at the hotel can be reminded of their wonderful holiday in a targeted manner. As a result, hoteliers can significantly increase the chances of future bookings by the target guest.

What does email marketing for hotels cost?

Email marketing is generally one of the least expensive methods of online marketing. The costs vary depending on whether hotels use an e-marketing tool, outsource their email marketing to an external service provider or want to further increase their conversion rates and bookings. An online hotel marketing agency can help with both setting up and optimizing email marketing for hotels.