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Glossary overview

Lookalike Audience

Armin Gögele, last updated on August 09, 2023


The term Lookalike Audience (or also: Similar Audience) is mainly used in connection with the social media platform Facebook. The ad manager provided by Facebook offers the possibility to create Lookalike Audiences as target groups for ads.


These are target groups that are based on the data of already existing target groups, the Source Audiences. The Lookalike Audience has similar interests or demographics, and the intensity of the similarities can be defined on a scale from 1 to 10. The more similar the Source Audience and the Lookalike Audience are, the smaller the target group; the further apart the two are in their similarities, the larger the target group becomes. The goal is to use advertisements to reach people who have not interacted with the company, but are presumably interested in its offerings. 

Advantages of Lookalike Audiences in hotel marketing

  • Addressing potential guests
  • Specific targeting
  • Increased conversion rate
  • Extended reach of advertising campaigns
  • Efficient use of advertising budgets

The most important questions about Lookalike Audiences in Hotel Marketing

What is the difference between a Lookalike Audience and a Source Audience?

 A Source Audience is the existing target group on which a Lookalike Audience is based. The Lookalike Audience is similar to the Source Audience in terms of interests and characteristics, but expands the potential customer base.

What data is used to create a Lookalike Audience?

 The creation of a Lookalike Audience is based on a range of data available to Facebook. This includes information such as interests, demographic characteristics, and behaviors of the existing Source Audience. Facebook analyzes this data to identify similarities and patterns to create an audience that resembles these existing customers.

What are the benefits of Lookalike Audiences?

 Lookalike Audiences make it possible to identify people who have a similar profile and are likely to have a similar interest in the hotel's offerings. This allows for precise targeting of ads to potential guests who have not previously engaged with the business, but are considered a promising audience due to their similarity to existing guests.

Can Lookalike Audiences be used on platforms other than Facebook?

Although the term 'Lookalike Audience' is mainly associated with Facebook, other social media platforms also offer similar audience targeting options. Hotels can use similar techniques on platforms like Instagram or TikTok to effectively grow their audience.

How often should I update my Lookalike Audience?

It's a good idea to update your Lookalike Audience periodically to ensure it continues to reflect relevant audience characteristics and interests. As your target audience's preferences and behaviors change, it makes sense to update your Lookalike Audience to ensure the best possible results.