+39 0473 538800 Zona industriale 1/5 - Eurocenter . 39011 Lana South Tyrol Italy
. VAT-ID IT02476330218

Free whitepaper
How much do hotels really need to spend on online marketing?
  • Step-by-step guide to budgeting
  • Illustrative calculation examples with concrete values from the hotel industry
  • Marketing budget savings checklist
  • Stop guessing when budgeting

Stop wasting money. Use our step-by-step guide to determine the optimal marketing budget for your hotel
  • 100% free
  • Step-by-step guide for budgeting
  • Illustrative calculation examples with concrete values from the hotel industry

"I chose ADDITIVE's MARKETING AUTOMATION because it is an innovative company that is a pioneer in the field of marketing automation in the hospitality industry.

Markus Gasser / Alpin Panorama Hotel Hubertus (South Tyrol / Italy)

"With ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION, we are able to target a specific guest at the right time, without giving the guest the feeling that the process is automated".

Patrick Nestl / Spa & Relax Hotel Erika (South Tyrol / Italy)

"ADDITIVE's professional marketing performance system has convinced us and fits in perfectly with our forward-looking ideas. We can act with foresight and are always up to date thanks to the data-driven results."

Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos / Sonnen Resort (South Tyrol / Italy)

"We definitely recommend ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION to our colleagues. The system is easy to use, has logic and is complete for our needs."

Sara Keller Pircher / Active Family Spa Resort Stroblhof (South Tyrol / Italy)

"ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION is quick and easy to integrate. You'll see immediate benefits. The interface is almost self-explanatory, so you can put important data and insights to work right away."

Manuel Steinmair / Hotel Quelle Nature Spa Resort (South Tyrol / Italy)

"Even though we were skeptical at first: With ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION, we've managed to re-engage our regular customers and attract new ones who really fit in!"

Daniela Aichner / Hotel Petrus (South Tyrol / Italy)

"Thanks to ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION, we can easily stay in touch with our guests

Sara Dejakum / My Arbor Plose Wellness Hotel (South Tyrol / Italy)

"We are very satisfied with ADDITIVE+ APPS and especially recommend the innovative ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION solution."

Johannes Margesin / Alpiana Resort (South Tyrol, Italy)
Free consultation

Schedule a free appointment

Join us for a video call to learn more about marketing transparency and measurability. The video call is completely free and non-binding. 


Among other things, you will learn:

  • Why hotels often waste money on online marketing campaigns
  • How to formulate a targeted online marketing strategy
  • How to maximize success based on your existing guest data

Take advantage of the initial consultation to learn about the latest opportunities in hotel marketing.