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Glossary overview

Marketing for hotel industry

Armin Gögele, last updated 23.02.2022


Marketing in the hotel industry is concerned with the variations and marketing strategies with which the hotel seeks to attract or retain guests. 


What is marketing in the hospitality industry?

Hotel marketing, like marketing in general, can be divided into strategic and operational marketing. Strategic hotel marketing involves long-term, holistic marketing concepts and the ongoing analysis of defined objectives. Operational marketing in the hotel industry combines measures that include the product, the price, but also communication, distribution and personnel.


Aims of marketing in the hotel industry

The advantage of data-based marketing in hotel marketing is that existing guest data can influence future strategic marketing activities. Data and reservation information is collected (with the guest's consent), which provides information about the type of guest who prefers to book the hotel. This information can then be used to target the right audience. 

In addition, there are other objectives such as

  • More direct bookings, so there is less reliance on OTAs
  • Achieve higher value by increasing the number of bookings
  • Generate customer-specific data that increases awareness and exposure of the hotel, resulting in more enquiries.


The most important questions about hotel marketing:

Why is hotel marketing important?

In order to remain competitive, hotel marketing also pays off across borders. Hotel marketing in different countries ensures higher new customer generation and stronger brand awareness. 

How do I carry out quality hotel marketing?

A good understanding of the target group is needed to increase direct bookings and awareness of the hotel. This can be achieved through data-driven marketing and SEO / SEA. Proper analysis and evaluation of existing data provides the perfect foundation for a successful hotel marketing strategy.